Zum 6. Mal trafen sich auf Einladung der Influencer Marketing-Agentur comTessa die „Girlbosses“ zum comTogether, diesmal in Paris. Agenturchefin Tessa Saueressig begrüßte über 100 Gäste, darunter Autorin Vreni Frost („Coin Stress“), Unternehmerin Sarna Röser (Höhle der Löwen), Radsport-Weltmeisterin & Vize-Paralympics-Siegerin Denise Schindler, Dr. Anna Weber (CEO Babyone), Social Media-Star Lola Weippert, Unternehmerin Sandy Meyer-Woelden, Model Carina Zavline und Schauspielerin Luna Schweiger. Es sprachen Franzi von Hardenberg, Nikeata Thompson, Gerda Lewis, Catrin Schranz (Seductive), Luise Grebbin (Love Rose Cosmetics) und Laura Dallmann (Imperial Brands) zum Thema Freiheit. Moderiert wurde der Abend von Vanessa Meisinger. Loona und Frida Gold de sorgten für den musikalischen Rahmen.
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Lola Weippert attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Gerda Lewis attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Gilbert Costes and Tessa Felizitas Saueressig attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Valentina Maceri attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Paulina Wagner attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Thomas Geisel, Tessa Felizitas Saueressig and Vera Geisel attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Alessandra Meyer-Wölden attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Hans Sarpei attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Luna Schweiger (L) and Marie-Jose van der Kolk aka Loona attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Marie-Jose van der Kolk known as Singer Loona performs at the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Alina Süggeler and Andreas Weizel of Frida Gold attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Wookie Mayer attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Alana Siegel attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Marie-Jose van der Kolk known as Singer Loona performs at the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: (L‑R) Luna Schweiger, Gerda Lewis and Lola Weippert attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Lola Weippert (L) and Marie-Jose van der Kolk aka Loona attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: General view of the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Gerda Lewis attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Kevin Njie und Emely Hüffer with baby Ocean attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: (LR) Vanessa Meisinger, Jennifer Peters and Mara Bergmann attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: (L‑R) Vreni Frost, Franz von Hardenberg and Dr. Anna Weber Co-CEO of BabyOne attend the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Nina (L) and Julia Meise attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Luna Schweiger attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Carina Zavline attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: Franzi von Hardenberg attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: <> attends the .comTogether Girlbosses event by .comTessa on at La Plage Parisienne May 11, 2023 in Paris, France. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for .comTogether Girlbosses by .comTessa)
Fotos: Thomas Niedermüller (Gettys)